TODD HUSTON: Everything about using love in your business to affect a positive bottom line with increased employee productivity, enhanced communication, effective leadership and stronger customer loyalty and sales.
“Thank you for providing such a great program for our members today. Normally we have several who feel they need to leave early… But that was NOT the case...
Mary Dandurand — Arkansas Society of Association Executives, Executive Director
“Both of Todd’s presentations were incredible. The audience loved him. The workshop had great take-home value. In fact, I saw that one of the delegates had posted on her...
Major Elizabeth M. Birks — Divisional Financial Secretary, Salvation Army
“I realize that climbing any mountain can be challenging, whether that mountain is McKinley or a figurative one, and working together we can overcome other mountains. With his strength...
John Shanahan — Founder and CEO, Hooked on Phonics
“Each of us has our mountains to go over, under, or through. Todd Huston’s book inspires us in-depth to make our mountains into molehills. He enables us to believe...
Mark Victor Hansen — Co-author, Chicken Soup for Soul
“Fantastic! More Than Mountains is a book that will help you realize that through faith in God you can climb more than mere mountains! You CAN overcome whatever challenges...
Robert H. Schuller — Pastor, Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, California