The Seeds of Greatness are Within You

Everyone of you has the seed of greatness within you. Everyone of you already has everything you need to go out and do the great things you were meant to do. Whatever that is, only you can do it.You are unique. You offer something incrediblly special to this world and only you are going to be able to bring it forward. It’s your responsibility to bring it out and be that person that you were meant to be.

The most powerful force that you will ever learn about is the power of love. I’m not talking about the love like for the person sitting next to you that you that you are feeling all oogly-googly about. I am talking about a love where you  really, really care about others, you care about the world, you care that everyone has peace,happiness and joy. and they live to their true potential. Each and every person must do it for themselves and then you will help bring it out in everyone. We all need each other to be able to do this.

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