All of God’s creations are made of love. Since God is the source of all life nothing can be created without His love. You will find love within yourself, within others, and in all of God’s creations on earth and in the heavens.
“Thank you for providing such a great program for our members today. Normally we have several who feel they need to leave early… But that was NOT the case...
Mary Dandurand — Arkansas Society of Association Executives, Executive Director
“Both of Todd’s presentations were incredible. The audience loved him. The workshop had great take-home value. In fact, I saw that one of the delegates had posted on her...
Major Elizabeth M. Birks — Divisional Financial Secretary, Salvation Army
“I realize that climbing any mountain can be challenging, whether that mountain is McKinley or a figurative one, and working together we can overcome other mountains. With his strength...
John Shanahan — Founder and CEO, Hooked on Phonics
“Each of us has our mountains to go over, under, or through. Todd Huston’s book inspires us in-depth to make our mountains into molehills. He enables us to believe...
Mark Victor Hansen — Co-author, Chicken Soup for Soul
“Fantastic! More Than Mountains is a book that will help you realize that through faith in God you can climb more than mere mountains! You CAN overcome whatever challenges...
Robert H. Schuller — Pastor, Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, California